Products and services management

Extensive supplier database

In Toscana, you gain access to a database featuring over 120 of the industry's most renowned suppliers. This means you have the flexibility to handpick the suppliers you collaborate with, and their product catalogs seamlessly integrate into the system. Recognizing that you may not require every product in a supplier's repertoire, we provide an automated selection process for your convenience.

Flexible product and service entry

You have the flexibility to add your own products and services either individually or in bulk using Excel tables within the system. When creating new products, you can also define various product variations. This means that a single product can be associated with an extensive range of sub-products that may differ in attributes like color, size, and more. This arrangement allows for a comprehensive view of all product variations within a centralized interface, accessible through the main product or any of its associated sub-products.

Product management

When entering a new product, you have the possibility to assign it to a particular catalog, create a product component list or assign a photo to it. Once the photo is assigned, it will automatically display alongside the product when included in a quote. However, you retain the choice to opt for a quote without an accompanying picture if you deem it unnecessary.